
Our marketing strategy puts emphasis on inherent quality of petroleum products that we supply to our target markets at competitive prices. Through a strong distribution network and channel we continue to build long term business relationships with clients to be their first choice supplier of petroleum products.

Commercial or Industry Customers

This market is largely dictated by the availability of fixed assets in the form of either above or underground storage and dispensing facilities. The sensitivity of our distribution operation, competition, and quality of service underlies our value proposition and market offer to our clients in this industry.
The construction market is characterised by its relatively high mobility, and a supply chain arrangement is critical its business. JOJAZO Holdings is capable of supplying the construction industry with LPG for heating bitumen during road construction.

Retail Customers

The retail sector is regulated, except on diesel, Illuminating paraffin, lubricants, and LPG. Our service excellence, and a high level of efficiency gives our clients a competitive-edge in this market sector.

Household Customers

Households largely use our products for cooking and heating purposes. This market prefers a localized availability of products for own use as well as affordability is critical in servicing this market segment. Our goal is to convert this market segment from over-reliance on electricity to environmentally friendly petroleum products such as LPG thereby alleviating the more than 70% dependency on our regional electricity which is mainly generated through the use of coal.